Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thing # 14 Technorati

Boy... People will write anything about anything..... I found that Leaning 2.0 had about 25,588 blogs.... I did have some problems getting into some blogs/tags...It kept saying "Forbidden, you don't have access...However I did look at some blogs....very interesting...... where do people get their information????I do not think I will "claim" my blog on Technorati (even though I did sign-up for an account). I rather keep my opinions to myself...unless asked..

1 comment:

Beth said...

I was once like you. Why would anyone care to read about what I thought or had to say? However, a friend put it to me this way "Think of it as a library. Go and select a blog - read it. If it isn't for you, "put it back" and select another one." So now I not only read blogs but am becoming a bit of a blogger myself. I guess my inner writer has emerged.